The rate of infection by the coronavirus across the world is going through the roof. In just a matter of a month, the prognosis has gone from bad to worse and all countries are on high alert about the virus.
The condition doesn’t discriminate, affecting both the wealthy and the poor, with all races at risk. Well, let us look at how the coronavirus affects your ability to come up with the right estate plan to manage your wealth.
What is Coronavirus?
In late January 2020, the Chinese government reported an outbreak of the deadly coronavirus disease. While most people took it to be a joke, rising casualties made the world sit up and notice what was going on.
Coronavirus, scientifically known as COVID-19, is a respiratory illness which spreads from one person to another via sneezing and coughing, or if a person comes into close contact with an infected person.
When this happens, the solution is to go for isolation.
Self-quarantine: Is This the Solution?
If you travelled abroad in the last few days and you came back feeling unwell, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. The illness is dire for someone that has journeyed to Iran or china in the past few weeks, or for someone who came into contact with a confirmed case of coronavirus and is feeling unwell.When you fulfill these conditions, go in for isolation for 14 days from the day you left the country. If during the isolation period you start feeling unwell or you show indications typical of the disease, seek instant medical care.
If you have been infected, then you will show the symptoms which include sneezing, coughing and fever. As the disease progresses, the virus affects the body and can be debilitating.
Understanding and Managing the Disease
Up to a few weeks ago, many people hadn’t heard about coronavirus. Even up to now, many people don’t know what the long term effects of the condition are save for a few news items that flash across the screen every now and then.Just the way many people don’t change the way they feel about chronic illnesses is the same way they don’t wish to handle their estate plans early enough. It takes a condition to become serious for many people to react.
Since coronavirus is a condition that will affect your day-to-day life, you need to pay attention and make necessary changes.
How do you go about it?Research
You won’t get anywhere if you cannot run a research on the condition. Understand what causes the infection and how you can prevent the condition from getting worse.
Take time to visit your doctor and talk to them about your daily life, and what will change when you contract the disease. Research and find out what other concerns might arise with the condition.
When you are faced with the condition, what steps must you take to improve your health? Will you be willing to go for isolation to protect your family from the condition? Where will you go to implement these steps?
Understand the Diagnosis and Treatment
When you don’t have information at your fingertips, you will panic at every little opportunity. Talk to your doctor to understand what happens during diagnosis, and understand the medical treatment of the condition. Make sure you pass this information to your family so that they are on alert in case of interaction with a confirmed case of the virus.
Remember that your family is a huge part of your estate plan, so don’t leave them out when researching.
Be Proactive
Once you understand what the illness is all about, the next step is for you to put in place various measures to make sure you protect your loved ones.
You bear the responsibility of knowing about your health, but at the end of the day, you also have the ultimate responsibility over your family – to protect them and secure their future.Take time to talk to them about the “what if” scenario. In as much as it is a tough conversation to have, you need to try and talk about it so that you don’t have to keep them guessing. Tell them about your plans and how you have your estate plan in order.
The Conclusion
When faced with a life-threatening condition, it is imperative that you seek out first your doctor to understand what is happening, then pay your estate planning lawyer to make sure all your plans are in order before you make a decision on which route to take.